‘Feel Our Pain,’ Politicians DemandCongress is increasingly not a place where the average member partakes in what’s generally understood as legislative activity, but rather…Feb 10, 20214403Feb 10, 20214403
Media Cheers DC Under Military OccupationDowntown Washington, DC is currently under what essentially amounts to military occupation. Streets are locked down, guarded by Army…Jan 19, 20214314Jan 19, 20214314
The “Crisis” is Corporate Liberal AuthoritarianismThe mob that barged into the Capitol Building on Wednesday accomplished a few things. First, it cemented the electoral demise of Donald…Jan 10, 20214498Jan 10, 20214498
Journalists Love Nothing More Than Extreme Corporate CensorshipWe’re in the midst of what is likely the most extreme corporate censorship crusade in modern history — whereby oligarchic tech officials…Jan 9, 20215434Jan 9, 20215434
Only In Your Imagination Was That An Attempted “Coup”We are being told that a “coup attempt” no longer needs to be understood as constituting an “attempt” to seize control of the government —…Jan 7, 20211.5K95Jan 7, 20211.5K95
The Most Predictable Election Fraud Backlash EverAnyone who was remotely sentient during the aftermath of the 2016 election should be the furthest thing from surprised that the frenzy of…Nov 26, 20204219Nov 26, 20204219
Why Everyone Should Feel Stupid After This ElectionThis was an election which blessedly provided more than enough fodder to make everyone feel a bit stupid. Pollsters and “modelers,” who…Nov 14, 20202075Nov 14, 20202075
I Wouldn’t Gloat If I Were YouIf your online feeds are anything like mine at the moment, you are being inundated with claims of fraud, rigging, and other malfeasance…Nov 7, 20202386Nov 7, 20202386
Who Wins If Trump LosesFrom the moment Donald J. Trump took office, I argued it was necessary that he face a rational opposition — with an emphasis on…Nov 2, 202056110Nov 2, 202056110
Who I Voted For In 2020I generally think it’s good practice for journalists to be maximally transparent about their voting behavior. Or at least, I don’t think…Oct 28, 20204866Oct 28, 20204866
Identity and Catastrophe: The Democrats in 2020Joe Biden’s relatively pain-free victory in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries — notwithstanding a historically large and diverse…Aug 28, 20204734Aug 28, 20204734
Two months since the riots, and still no “National Conversation”We are now approaching two-month mark since the riots that erupted across the United States in late May and early June. There is a…Jul 27, 20202.4K31Jul 27, 20202.4K31
Notes On The WithdrawalsTrump announced the withdrawal of US troops from two warzones, which prompted the resignation (and now, firing) of James Mattis. It’s one…Dec 23, 20185571Dec 23, 20185571
The Most Narrow Possible Case Against KavanaughStipulate that Brett Kavanaugh has been the victim of a cynical partisan attack by Democrats, who have employed the lowest tactics…Oct 5, 20184305Oct 5, 20184305
Funeral For A Dying DoctrineThe most significant line uttered at John McCain’s funeral probably came from George W. Bush, which is kind of an unexpected accomplishment…Sep 2, 20182.1K10Sep 2, 20182.1K10
John McCain Was Not An AnecdoteThe template for a John McCain remembrance is as follows: “We might not have always agreed on this or that policy, but McCain was a…Aug 28, 20181.6K8Aug 28, 20181.6K8
When Trump Killed Media CriticismIn a seemingly bygone era, one core tenet of “progressive” political commentary was unflinching critique of what was once scornfully…Aug 10, 20181.4K10Aug 10, 20181.4K10
Alex Jones, VanquishedThe obligatory “Yes, Alex Jones is a lunatic, but…” preface is redundant. Almost no one of any repute would defend Alex Jones on substance…Aug 7, 20181.5K6Aug 7, 20181.5K6
Published inThe Young TurksJohn Bolton Called Trump’s Russia Strategy “Delusional”Speculation has escalated that John Bolton, the former UN Ambassador under George W. Bush and one of the country’s leading consummate…Mar 16, 20183024Mar 16, 20183024
Published inmtraceyStatement On Jordan Chariton Situation(Disclaimer: This post reflects my views only)Nov 26, 201759312Nov 26, 201759312