Organizations Worth Supporting
I don’t generally regard myself as much of a “joiner” but I do think there are some advocacy organizations worth supporting. This is a non-exhaustive list; the exclusion of any one organization should not be taken as a “non-endorsement” of that organization. Why post this now? Not sure: maybe because I tend to write “in opposition” to a lot of things, so I figured I should mix it up and write briefly on what’s actually good and necessary.
Should be self-explanatory.
Encrypt your online communications.
They do a ton of vital (and often heart-wrenching) work advocating for people victimized by the oppressive, dystopian American penal state.
National Motorists Association
Advocating for motorists, a huge class of citizens who don’t often conceive of themselves as a group with collective interests. Motorists’ civil liberties are being systemically obliterated at an accelerating pace. You are uniquely vulnerable to the depredations of the state when you are behind the wheel. NMA will also help you fight traffic tickets issued by jerk cops with nothing better to do.
MAPS is furnishing a scientific basis for the broader societal acceptance of psychedelic drugs, which help people in a variety of ways, including people suffering from depression and other physical/mental ailments. Preventing sufferers from receiving treatments that would otherwise confer them enormous benefits should be seen as an unconscionable human rights violation. (I’ll be writing more about this topic in the future.)
DPA is already somewhat well-funded but they’re such an effective organization and have done so much good that they merit a plug on any list worth its salt.
Chelsea Manning Support Network
Manning has suffered enough at the hands of the Government. She provided materials to WikiLeaks that had a huge impact on the world, for the better. Call on Obama to commute her sentence.
American Committee for East-West Accord
Absurd as it might sound, another Cold War is upon us and we’re in desperate need of sanity re: Russia.
I’m not an “organization” per se but you can support me via Medium, PayPal, GoFundMe, or Bitcoin.